Monente Puncel lit, born in Pamplona on 12/08/1948, he studied drawing and painting, arts and crafts of Pamplona, ??and then with two prestigious pintores.Hago the first exhibition in the year 1980 in room culture of municipal housing Pamplona (Conde Rodezno) The second exposicinao 1982 in the culture room Caja Laboral Popular (Paseo Sarasate 20 Pamplona) Next exposicinao 1984 (Chamber of Culture of Pamplona) , later (Casino city of Pamplona in the year 1990) In the year 1996 at the art gallery Molmar.En the year 1999 (House of the Youth Board in Caparroso) in 2003 (Galer to the Movellan of Fuenterraba) and collective Almonazar de Zorita (Madrid), being among the finalists. In San Sebastian, Hondarribia, Pamplona or individual Pamplona.Dos Citadel, but in Fuenterrabia, involving painting contests in Madrid in Pamplona (the planetarium) bankruptcy (Bertiz park) being a finalist in three of them. I have work in different passes, as in France, Holland, Germany and Argentina.